PhD, Professor
Room 522, 5/F, School of Computer Science
Northwestern Polytechnical University
I am a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU). I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in October 2018, under the supervision of Prof. Cong WANG (IEEE Fellow). Before that, I obtained my M.Sc. degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in November 2013 and B.Eng. degree in Software Engineering from NWPU in July 2010.
[Closed] I am looking for self-motivated students (1 PhD and 3 Master) to start in fall 2025 at the School of Computer Science at NWPU.
[Opening] One postdoc position is available. Welcome to join us if you have research experience in the following areas: Industrial Internet, Secure Crowdsensing, Distributed Storage Networks, etc.
Trustworthy Crowdsensing Systems, Privacy-Preserving Computing, Edge Intelligence, Decentralized Cloud Storage, etc.
@article{CUIZW2019TDSC, title={PPSB: An Open and Flexible Platform for Privacy-Preserving Safe Browsing}, author={Cui, Helei and Zhou, Yajin and Wang, Cong and Wang, Xinyu and Du, Yuefeng and Wang, Qian}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)}, volume={18}, number={4}, pages={1762--1778}, year={2021} }
@article{CUIYZ2018TSC, title={Towards Encrypted In-Network Storage Services with Secure Near-Duplicate Detection}, author={Cui, Helei and Yuan, Xingliang and Zheng, Yifeng and Wang, Cong}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC)}, volume={14}, number={4}, pages={998--1012}, year={2021} }
@article{ZHENGCW2017TIFS, title={Privacy-preserving image denoising from external cloud databases}, author={Zheng, Yifeng and Cui, Helei and Wang, Cong and Zhou, Jiantao}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)}, volume={12}, number={6}, pages={1285--1298}, year={2017} }
@article{CUIYW2017TMC, title={Harnessing encrypted data in cloud for secure and efficient mobile image sharing}, author={Cui, Helei and Yuan, Xingliang and Wang, Cong}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC)}, volume={16}, number={5}, pages={1315--1329}, year={2017} }