Helei CUI (崔禾磊)

PhD, Professor
Room 522, 5/F, School of Computer Science
Northwestern Polytechnical University

Email: chl [at] nwpu.edu.cn / cuihelei [at] outlook.com

About Me

I am a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU). I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in October 2018, under the supervision of Prof. Cong WANG (IEEE Fellow). Before that, I obtained my M.Sc. degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in November 2013 and B.Eng. degree in Software Engineering from NWPU in July 2010.

[Closed] I am looking for self-motivated students (1 PhD and 3 Master) to start in fall 2025 at the School of Computer Science at NWPU.
[Opening] One postdoc position is available. Welcome to join us if you have research experience in the following areas: Industrial Internet, Secure Crowdsensing, Distributed Storage Networks, etc.

Research Interests

Trustworthy Crowdsensing Systems, Privacy-Preserving Computing, Edge Intelligence, Decentralized Cloud Storage, etc.

Selected Publications (Full list)

  1. Zhiwen Yu*, Lele Zhao, Helei Cui*, Yongbo Song, Yimeng Liu, Yixuan Luo, and Bin Guo, "CrowdKit: A Generic Programming Framework for Mobile Crowdsensing Applications", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), In Press, 2024. CCF-A

  2. Xiaoli Zhang, Wenxiang Sun, Zhicheng Xu, Hongbing Cheng*, Chengjun Cai, Helei Cui, and Qi Li, "EVM-Shield: In-Contract State Access Control for Fast Vulnerability Detection and Prevention", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 19, pp. 2517-2532, 2024. CCF-A

  3. Bo Zhang, Helei Cui*, Xiaoning Liu, Yaxing Chen, Zhiwen Yu, and Bin Guo, "Decentralized and Secure Deduplication with Dynamic Ownership in MLaaS", Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), vol. 76, pp. 103524, 2023.

  4. Helei Cui, Jiahao Liao, Zhiwen Yu*, Yanze Xie, Xiaoning Liu, and Bin Guo, "Trust Assessment for Mobile Crowdsensing via Device Fingerprinting", ISA Transactions Special Issue on Security and Privacy of AI-based Automation Systems, vol. 141, pp. 93-102, 2023.

  5. En Xu, Zhiwen Yu*, Nuo Li, Helei Cui, Lina Yao, and Bin Guo, "Quantifying predictability of sequential recommendation via logical constraints", Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 17(5): 175612, 2023. CCF-B

  6. Yuefeng Du, Huayi Duan, Lei Xu, Helei Cui, Cong Wang*, and Qian Wang, "PEBA: Enhancing User Privacy and Coverage of Safe Browsing Services", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), In Press, 2022. CCF-A

  7. Wanyu Lin, Helei Cui, Baochun Li*, and Cong Wang, "Privacy-Preserving Similarity Search with Efficient Updates in Distributed Key-Value Stores", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1072-1084, 2021. CCF-A

  8. En Xu, Zhiwen Yu*, Bin Guo, and Helei Cui, "Core Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction", ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1-16, 2021. CCF-B

  9. Helei Cui, Yajin Zhou*, Cong Wang, Xinyu Wang, Yuefeng Du, and Qian Wang, "PPSB: An Open and Flexible Platform for Privacy-Preserving Safe Browsing", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1762-1778, 2021. CCF-A []

      title={PPSB: An Open and Flexible Platform for Privacy-Preserving Safe Browsing},
      author={Cui, Helei and Zhou, Yajin and Wang, Cong and Wang, Xinyu and Du, Yuefeng and Wang, Qian},
      journal={IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)},

  10. Helei Cui, Xingliang Yuan, Yifeng Zheng, and Cong Wang*, "Towards Encrypted In-Network Storage Services with Secure Near-Duplicate Detection", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 998-1012, 2021. CCF-A []

      title={Towards Encrypted In-Network Storage Services with Secure Near-Duplicate Detection},
      author={Cui, Helei and Yuan, Xingliang and Zheng, Yifeng and Wang, Cong},
      journal={IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC)},

  11. Yifeng Zheng, Helei Cui, Cong Wang*, and Jiantao Zhou, "Privacy-Preserving Image Denoising from External Cloud Databases", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1285-1298, 2017. CCF-A []

      title={Privacy-preserving image denoising from external cloud databases},
      author={Zheng, Yifeng and Cui, Helei and Wang, Cong and Zhou, Jiantao},
      journal={IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)},

  12. Helei Cui, Xingliang Yuan, and Cong Wang*, "Harnessing Encrypted Data in Cloud for Secure and Efficient Mobile Image Sharing", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1315-1329, 2017. CCF-A []

      title={Harnessing encrypted data in cloud for secure and efficient mobile image sharing},
      author={Cui, Helei and Yuan, Xingliang and Wang, Cong},
      journal={IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC)},

  1. Yimeng Liu, Zhiwen Yu, Fengyuan Zhang, Helei Cui, and Bin Guo, "Wisdom of Crowds: A Human-Machine-Things Cooperative Scheduling Method for Heterogeneous Mobile Crowdsensing", in the 27th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2024), San José, Costa Rica, 9-13 Nov, 2024. CCF-A

  2. Yanze Xie, Mengzhen Gao, Xiaoning Liu, Shuo Huang, Helei Cui*, Zhiwen Yu, and Bin Guo, "EarPass: Unlock When Wearing Your Earphones", in the 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, 23-26 Jul, 2024. CCF-B

  3. Helei Cui, Huayi Duan, Zhan Qin, Cong Wang*, and Yajin Zhou, "SPEED: Accelerating Enclave Applications via Secure Deduplication", in the 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Dallas, Texas, USA, 7-10 Jul, 2019. CCF-B

  4. Helei Cui, Yajin Zhou, Cong Wang*, Qi Li, and Kui Ren, "Towards Privacy-Preserving Malware Detection Systems for Android", in the 24th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Sentosa, Singapore, 11-13 Dec, 2018. (Best Paper Award)

  5. Helei Cui, Xingliang Yuan, Yifeng Zheng, and Cong Wang*, "Enabling Secure and Effective Near-duplicate Detection over Encrypted In-network Storage", in the 35th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Francisco, California, USA, 10-15 Apr, 2016. CCF-A (Acceptance rate = 300/1644 = 18.25%)

  6. Xingliang Yuan, Helei Cui, Xinyu Wang, and Cong Wang*, "Enabling Privacy-assured Similarity Retrieval over Millions of Encrypted Records", in the 20th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Vienna, Austria, 21-25 Sep, 2015. CCF-B (Acceptance rate = 58/293 = 19.8%)

  7. Helei Cui, Xingliang Yuan, and Cong Wang*, "Harnessing Encrypted Data in Cloud for Secure and Efficient Image Sharing from Mobile Devices", in the 34th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, China, 28-30 Apr, 2015. CCF-A (Acceptance rate = 316/1640 = 19.2%)

Granted Patent
  1. 於志文,廖佳豪,崔禾磊,郭斌,“基于设备指纹识别的感知数据可信度评估方法及系统”,中国发明专利,授权日:2024年9月6日.

  2. 崔禾磊,彭文颖,陈亚兴,於志文,邢涛,郭斌,“一种面向工业任务边缘节点的计算资源架构及调度方法”,中国发明专利,授权日:2024年8月9日.

  3. 於志文,苏江宾,刘一萌,郭斌,崔禾磊,“面向群智感知的数据处理方法及装置”,中国发明专利,授权日:2024年2月6日.

  4. 於志文,王皓,刘一萌,郭斌,王亮,崔禾磊,“一种基于许可链的群智感知位置隐私保护支付方法”,中国发明专利,授权日:2023年7月4日.

  5. 於志文,李顺,刘一萌,郭斌,崔禾磊,“一种面向群智感知数据的流计算处理方法”,中国发明专利,授权日:2022年9月16日.

  6. 崔禾磊,於志文,郭斌,谢炎泽,刘欢,“一种隐私保护安全浏览方法”,中国发明专利,授权日:2022年8月5日.

  7. Cong Wang, Helei Cui, and Huayi Duan, "Method for Accelerating Execution of Application in a Trusted Execution Environment", US Patent, Granted, 19 Jul, 2022.


Postdoc & Visiting Scholar
PhD students
Master students
Undergraduate students

Professional Activities

Technical Program Committee Chair
Technical Program Committee Member
Journal Reviewer (selected)


Course Lecturer @ NWPU
Teaching Assistant @ CityU

Useful Notes

Selected Awards and Honors